Bilderalbum Abbotsholme SFA summer camp

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Sunday, July 19th
Today we had our extra trip to "Chester". I let the...
shakahari - 21. Jul, 16:53
Saturday, July 18th
Today we had our first full day excursion which lead...
shakahari - 21. Jul, 10:57
Friday, July 17th
Today we went back to having a "usual" day at the camp. We...
shakahari - 19. Jul, 20:55
Thursday, July 16th
I haven't found much time to come to the internet since...
shakahari - 19. Jul, 20:39
Wednesday, July 15th
Today we had our first half day excursion which led...
shakahari - 17. Jul, 20:27




Online seit 6803 Tagen
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21. Jul, 21:15


SFA Abbotsholme =)
Abbotsholme SFA summer camp
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