Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009

Sunday, July 19th

Today we had our extra trip to "Chester".
I let the students choose between an extra trip to "Alton Towers" which would have been a fun fair our "Chester". 16 students wanted to go to "Chester", so the majority decided.

I must say, luckily they did so because a fund fair at these weather conditions would have been a nightmare.

Our coach left at 8.30 am and once again I was very happy with all my students who have always been on time and extremely well behaved. So at this point I have to say a HUGE "thank u" to all students of my lovely grouo (if any of you read this diary) and also a HUGE compliment to their parents =)

Most of the times this doesn't seem like work but like to have a large family around @ campus.

@ Chester we went around the ancient Roman town wall and took a picture of Britain's second most photographed clock.

On the bus, we were provided with very interesting information by the Italian group leader Maggie. Thanx Maggie.

After the tour which took us about an hour or a bit longer, the students were free to enjoy plenty of free time to do their shopping or just relax.
waiting for the bus
second most photographed clock
Heute sind wir gleich nach dem Fruehstueck in den Bus gestiegen und nach Chester gefahren. Im Bus erzaehlte uns Maggie sehr viel ueber die Stadt , unter anderem, dass alle Staedte, die mit "chester" enden, frueher von Roemern eingenommen wurden. Als wir in Chester ankamen, machten wir einen Rundgang ueber die Stadtmauern. Ansschlieszend waren wir shoppen und als wir wieder in Abbotsholme waren, gab es einen Carneval-Abend mit verschiedenen Aktivitaeten. Wir haben diesen Tag alle sehr genossen.
by Luise, Anton and Paula

Saturday, July 18th

Today we had our first full day excursion which lead us to a beautiful town called "Stratford upon Avon" where also one of the most famous writers of all times was born....


we went to see his birthplace, a really old house built in the early 16th century which belonged to his father who owned a glove factory...this was very interesting.

after the guided tour, the students could spend their free time on shopping (finally as they were desperately looking forward to this for the whole week), writing post cards and grabbing snacks.

I think everyone enjoyed this really great day.

group picture in front of Shakespear's birthplace
"stand up play" in the shakespeare Garden

Unfortunately the students forgot to write an entry about todayu, but it'll come soon!

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Sunday, July 19th
Today we had our extra trip to "Chester". I let the...
shakahari - 21. Jul, 16:53
Saturday, July 18th
Today we had our first full day excursion which lead...
shakahari - 21. Jul, 10:57
Friday, July 17th
Today we went back to having a "usual" day at the camp. We...
shakahari - 19. Jul, 20:55
Thursday, July 16th
I haven't found much time to come to the internet since...
shakahari - 19. Jul, 20:39
Wednesday, July 15th
Today we had our first half day excursion which led...
shakahari - 17. Jul, 20:27




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